I was lucky enough (sponsored, yay) to be able to attend Maemo Summit this year. The event was really nice and had many interesting talks and presentations. You can find a lot on the maemo wiki, pictures on flickr, tweets and blogposts. Just google and you will find.
The absolutely biggest surprise at the event was that everyone (well, 300 was given away) attending got a N900 for 6 months to play with. I didn't switch my SIM card directly so I first used it just like any of the older tablets. Now that I'm home again I switched over and using the N900 as my primary phone. One of the nicest phone related things are that Skype is now fully integrated with the rest of the telepathy stack and works just like, well, a normal cell phone. I tried it already at the summit (didn't work that well, the WiFi network was pretty overloaded I think). On the way back I tried is from the Helsinki airport and called my girlfriend, it was just perfect. Very nice indeed.
Anyway, I there are some bugs/strange/missing things that I will blog about later (and report to the maemo bugzilla).
I was also a good OpenStreetMapper and did some mapping at the summit venue (mentioned there too). Relating to OSM, Till Harbaum presented OSM2go and the OSM project in general, with some nice examples of why OSM rocks :) Look
here (at about 10:45)