Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jolla Tablet!

Everyone probably know this by now, but still, Jolla announced a Indiegogo campaign to create a Jolla Tablet, running Sailfish OS 2.0. The specs are impressive, quad-core Intel, 330PPI screen.

The campaign is going great, at time of writing 25% of the goal has already been raised! Join now to get yours at Indiegogo!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Artwork loading added to libqiscp

Worked a bit on libqiscp today and added support for receiving and decoding artwork data the receiver might send. The decoding into a QImage works very well, but the next thing is to somehow get that transferred to the QtQuick side.

Artwork loaded trough ISCP

I imagine a QDeclarativeImageProvider would be the proper way, but the thing is I don't know really how to connect that into the dynamically created QtQuick ISCP object(s).
Any ideas ?

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Late night soldering leads to pain

I'll just quickly solder the connectors... right. Not the best of ideas after a day of moving and sauna.

Can you spot the tiny little mistake in this picture ?

There is something not quite right in this

Idiotic connector types

Whoever it is that thought "lets use a RJ-45 connector for serial port!" should be beaten with a good old thin Ethernet cable with a T-connector on the end.

Anyway... seems my cheap RJ-45 to RS-232 cable from dx works, /me happy

LOM event: power on
Netra t1 (UltraSPARC-IIi 440MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 3.10.25 ME, 1024 MB memory installed, Serial #14304548.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:da:45:24, Host ID: 80da4524.